Can You Make a Tree Grow Faster? Plus Other Tree FAQ’s
In this article, we’ll tackle common questions about tree care. The first question is: can you make a tree grow faster? There are ways to support a tree’s healthy growth. Below we highlight a few ways to help your tree grow faster.
One of the most helpful things you can do to help your tree grow faster is to thoroughly mulch. Mulch is dry, organic matter, like woodchips, that helps keep water in the ground and prevents the growth of competing plants like weeds.
Any kind of damage done to your tree by a bumping lawnmower, or a weed whacker is cutting the tree. These wounds can slow down the growth of your tree. Weed by hand if you need to around your tree, and use mulch to prevent their growth.
Use a test from a nursery or hardware store to test your soil’s nutritional levels. Or, you can hire an arborist to test and fertilize if necessary. If your soil is deficient, find and use the appropriate fertilizer according to its instructions. It may not be necessary to fertilize, and over-fertilizing harms trees and forces top growth, rather than strong roots.
Long slow, soaks with a hose, drip irrigation system or other hose attachments are the way to go. Check with your local nursery or online to see how much water your tree needs. To properly water your tree, it may take several hours or even close to 8-12. If you’re watering and not seeing results, your soil may be too hard. Add a layer of soil around your tree, along with some dried leaves if you have them to help the roots take on water.
How Can I Tell if My Tree is Sick?
Look for signs of damage to the bark, branches, and leaves. It may require a very close inspection. Anything that looks wilted, scorched, chewed, blackened, or discolored could be signs of disease or insect infestation. Or, anything that doesn’t look normal could be a sign of poor health. If mushrooms or fungi are sprouting around the base of the tree, that’s a sign of a sick or dying tree. Mushrooms and fungi feed on dying organisms, so their presence close to a tree is a bad sign. If you think your tree is sick, contact a certified arborist in your area for help. Or click here for more information.
Is it Important to Water My Trees Before the First Winter Freeze?
Only if you’ve been experiencing dry weather. If you’ve had a lot of precipitation, you’re probably fine. Though check with a nursery or online about your tree’s particular needs.
What is the Difference Between a Landscaper and an Arborist?
A landscaper handles maintenance for a yard, which includes things like lawn care and pruning shrubbery. Arborists are trained in tree care and have a much wider knowledge and experience base when it comes to trees than landscapers do. Arborists are the best choice for tree maintenance like pruning since they know how to keep your tree healthy and whole.
When is the Best Time to Cut Down a Tree?
The short answer is immediately if it’s become a danger. A broken limb could damage power lines, homes, or people and animals. Or, if a tree could potentially fall over, it could take out houses, depending on its size. Do not wait to remove a tree that has become a hazard. You’re just one windy day or a storm away from tragedy.
Do I Have to Do Anything to My Trees in the Winter?
You can guard your trees against winter weather in a couple of ways. First, make sure your tree has a hearty layer of mulch surrounding it. This will insulate the roots and help them retain water. Then, wrap the trees in plastic tree wrap to help repel rodents. Clear off snow from branches to ease the strain on them, and do not lay salt near your tree.