American Hazelnut
Enjoy some delicious sweet roasted nuts straight from your garden!
American Hazelnut is an amazingly productive shrub, perfect for your garden setup. It produces pint-size, edible sweet nuts between July and October. It only takes 2 to 3 years before it produces fruits. Aside from its medicinal benefits, the nuts can also be lightly roasted, eaten raw or added to different dishes, drinks, sweets and cereals. It is a good source of fiber, vitamins, proteins and other minerals. During the Fall, its foliage varies its color from vibrant yellow to dark wine red. It also produces brown male and red female flowers. American Hazelnut is a sturdy, native plant that needs low to zero maintenance. It can adapt to different types of climates and typically persistent against harmful bugs. Its maximum height can reach up to 18 feet, with a width of 12 feet at maturity. It should be watered one or twice weekly for the first year. For its succeeding years, it only needs to be watered once or twice biweekly during dry weather.
- Native Sweet Nuts
- Low Maintenance Shrub
- Adaptable to Different Climates