The Best and Worst Trees to Plant Near Your Home!
Young trees are superficially captivating. A moment you are admiring the sleek slender beauty of its thriving twigs, and just the other moment, you are all caught up in the thoughts of how magnificent and beautiful it will soon be. Before planting a tree, you must visualize how big your newly planted tree might grow one day and how would that affect your home. Choosing the right tree in time saves you from the future worries of the wide branches chaffing of your exterior walls or roots obstructing your home's foundation. Decide wisely today by learning more about the best and worst trees to plant in the pocket of your home.
How much distance from a house should be maintained while planting trees?
The answer to this question simply lies within the tree size, both above and below the ground. It almost goes without saying that a wide-crown 70 feet tall Oaktree would require much more space than a modest Japanese Red Maple tree. The thumb rule suggests keeping a standard distance of at least 8 to 10 feet from your home while you plant a small tree. Scale the same up for trees having a wider spread and more height.Worst trees to plant around your house
Take careful notes of the list of trees that follows and never choose to plant them in your space. These trees make the worst choices for ordinarily-sized homes because of their widespread and invasive roots.-
White Ash (Zones 2 to 9):
Poplar (Zones 3 to 8):
American Elm (Zones 3 to 9):
Silver Maple (Zones 3 to 9):
Weeping willow (Zones 6 to 8):
Oak (Zones 8 to 10):
Best trees to plant around your house
The best trees to plant around your house are those that have non-invasive roots and little maintenance needs. To learn more about the same trees, scroll through the list that follows.-
Crabapple (Zones 3 to 8):
American Hornbeam (Zones 3 to 9):
Cornelian-cherry Dogwood (Zones 4 to 7):
Japanese Maple (Zones 5 to 8):
Flowering Dogwood (Zones 5 to 8):
American Holly (Zones 5 to 9):